Fairy Tail 343

I just can’t have enough of fairy tail! I’m already anxious for the next chapter.

Ramblings of a Hermit

So yeah, everyone was super interested in this chapter because Mashima-Sensei was finally retaliated against Oba-Sensei from One Piece ragging on him all the time. On an unrelated note, this chapter is called Treasure-Hunter…

Anyway, it kicks off when the gang arrives at the village which has indeed been frozen over. But then, another twist, the people who live in the village are a little on the big side. Giants to be exact. See! They’re bloody massive!

Well this puts an interesting new spin on it. Gray looks up at one of the giants and remembers Deliora frozen in the ice, which makes him think of Ur and Ultear. 

Natsu then tries to burn the ice away but is unsuccessful. Gray touches the ice and observes that it is a magic he is unfamiliar with, yet it reminds him of someone else’s magic. Oooh, I wonder who that could be? 

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